Robot History

The Robots

2023-2024: FortissiMOE

FortissiMOE is a swerve bot designed to acquire notes from the floor and source. Multiuse collector and head design for quick scoring cycle time and ability to chain climb and trap score. 

2022-2023: TherMOE-Dynamic

TherMOEdynamic is fitted to a swerve drive and has a retractable arm and collector. TherMOEdynamic is able to accurately collect and place objects in desired locations. The balancing feature on the charge station is top-notch making TherMOEdynamic a valuable ally to any alliance. 

2021-2022: Lightning MOEGreen

2020-2021: MOEllenium Falcon

CONGRATULATIONS, MOEllenium Falcon! With your wonderful team behind you, you won the Hatboro-Horsham District Competition!

MOEllennium Falcon is a highly capable robot designed to shoot fast, far, and grab Power Cells quickly. During Endgame the Falcon can lift itself up and balance on the switch regardless of the switch starting angle.

2019: SuperMOEva

2018: MOErio

2017: LocoMOEtive

LocoMOEtive is a bright green and black robot designed to collect and place gears quickly, hold lots of fuel and score in the high efficiency boiler accurately, and climb quickly onto the airship. MOE has a 6-CIM, 8-wheel drive, a wheeled shooter, fuel agitator, target tracking, climbing mechanism, and many sensors for game-playing efficiency.

2016: CaMOElot

CaMOElot, our 2016 robot, was on the winning alliance in its first competition!

CaMOElot Action Specs

2015: ToMOEhawk

2014: EliMOEnator

EliMOEnator is a bright green and black robot designed to collect balls quickly off the floor and thrown from Human Players. MOE has a 6-CIM, 8-wheel drive for speed and power, a catapult shooter, and many sensors for game-playing efficiency.


2013: ArMOEgeddon

ArMOEgeddon is a speedy bot with a high mounted adjustable shooter for quick disk launching and the ability to pick up off the ground. The bot features two cameras for shot alignment and floor pickup. This tall bot stands 5 feet high and is able to get an easy 10 point climb in under 10 seconds.


2012: CoMOEtion

CoMOEtion is a wide-bot robot, with the ability to pick up the basketballs off of the field, and shoot them using a one-wheeled shooter. CoMOEtion is also known for it's ability to balance on bridges with both alliances on the designatied alliance or coopertition bridge.


2011: PandeMOEnium

PandeMOEnium can navigate the field quickly and smoothly, picking up tubes from the floor or the feeder station in its roller grabber. It can hang tubes on any of the eighteen pegs, and in the endgame, our minibot will surprise you!


2010: MOEmentum

MOEmentum is a compact robot built to kick soccer balls into goals and drive comfortably throughout the course. The robot is very complex and has many features that help improve its gameplay, such as many various sensors, a well-designed kicker, a camera, and a detailed program for autonomous and tele-op periods. 


2009: CozMOE

CozMOE is a bright green and black robot designed to collect moon rocks from the floor or Payload Specialist and dump them into trailers using a powered roller on a turret with motor-controlled vanes. CozMOE also has a separate collection device for empty cells and multiple autonomous programs.


2008: DynaMOE

DynaMOE was designed to play FIRST Overdrive. With DynaMOE's design, it was able to successfully pick up balls, hurdle them, and place them onto the overpass.


2007: MOEzilla

MOEzilla was designed to play Rack 'n Roll. In this game, points were scored by placing inflated tubular game pieces on to a giant structure in the middle of the field. MOEzilla accomplished this task lifting the tubes with a gripper attached to a telescoping arm. MOEzilla has been many places, including the White House to be driven by President George W. Bush!


2006: TerMOEnator

TerMOEnator was designed to play Aim High. TerMOEnator accomplished the first of these tasks by picking balls up off of the floor or by receiving them from our human player, and then shot the balls through the hole with the assistance of a targeting camera. It could also climb the ramp very efficiently because of a wheelie-bar at the back that prevented it from tipping over. 


2005: MOEbius

MOEbius was designed to play Triple Play. In this game, points were scored by placing PVC tetrahedrons (such as the white ones pictured on MOEbius' back) on any of nine large tetrahedron-shaped goals on the field. MOEbius accomplished this by carrying multiple tetras on its back, and by lifting up to 3 tetras on to a goal at a time via its telescoping arm.


2004: GizMOE

GizMOE was designed to play FIRST Frenzy. GizMOE was able to lift the large balls and cap the goals with its arm, and could use the hooks on the same arm to suspend itself from the bar above the platform. GizMOE's kilts, the green-and-black plaid painted plates at the front and back of the robot, were used to push the smaller balls into corrals for the human player as well as to prevent GizMOE from tipping over while climbing the platform. 


2003: GeroniMOE

GeroniMOE was designed to play Stack Attack. The field for this game consisted of a large ramp structure in the center of the field; the game pieces were 73-quart plastic storage containers. Points were scored by having a multitude of these containers in one's scoring zone, and a stack of these containers multiplied this score by the height of the stack. GeroniMOE could successfully collect and stack these containers to increase this score multiplier. 


2002: MOEhawk

MOEhawk was designed to play Zone Zeal. 

At the start of a match, MOEhawk would unfold a large wing on either side giving it a total wingspan of about 14 feet, and would then proceed to rush to the center of the field, grab all three goals, and push them in to it's scoring zone where it held them for the duration of the match. Near the end of the match, MOEhawk would deploy a 20-foot-long scissor-action device that extended all the way back to it's home zone to score even more points. 

2001: Li'l MOE

Li'l MOE was designed to play Diabolical Dynamics. Li'l MOE was designed to grab both mobile goals at the same time, one at the front and one at the back, and then balance them on the teeter-totter. To balance, Li'l MOE extended a short bar out of either side and then drove quickly up the teeter-totter. The bars would hit vertical bars attached to the teeter-totter, stopping Li'l MOE at the perfect position to balance quickly and efficiently.


2000: MOE

MOE (later dubbed "Big MOE") was designed to play Co-opertition FIRST.

MOE had a large arm and basket which help up to 8 balls. The arm also allowed MOE to hang from the center bar and, to our surprise, could right our robot if we tipped over. This was the first year FIRST had alliances. There were 2 robots per alliance
